The Syrian War

Syrian Civil War - The Dynamics So Far

What led to such turmoil?

The endemic of Syrian civil war dates back to the Arab Spring activism in 2011, throughout Tunisia and Egypt. This triggered an upsurge in Syria where the public started to voice their protest against the deterring stagnation of political process in their country under the regime of Bashar al-Assad. The protests were aimed at attaining several democratic reforms in the region.

As it was likely, the government did not take the protests in the right spirit and resorted to extreme measures by torturing, murdering and even kidnapping protesters from every corner of the land. Troops of the government even did not refrain from firing at protesters, who as a last resort took up the guns to fight for their cause.

However, things soon became uglier, with the recent incident where the government is accused of detonating mass executing chemical weaponry to curb the rebellion and save the hegemony.

Regional consequences of the war

The Civil War paved the way for unnerving support by Iran over the administration of Assad. Over this entire political crisis, Iran had maintained an unambiguous support for the regime of Bashar al-Assad. This political scenario had been a striking feature of the modern world since the two countries do not share any common national interest or even religious sentiments. However, their endurance can be traced back to the foundation of tactical-cum-strategic partnership between these two regimes. The two countries are sharing trust and mutual support from the common contempt for Iraq under Saddam Hussein and their fear of being an eminent target by Israel and the United States.

It is a well-known fact that Assad's regime would have faltered in any way in case Iran had not supported it with constant financial and military aid. It is highly unlikely that the two authoritative regimes would see them apart as long as the civil war in Syria is in vogue.

The war is also a strategic factor for Iran since the nation fears that Syria would fall under the regime of Sunni sectarian and may incline towards the United States or Saudi Arabia, as a result repel the Shi-a-Iran. Therefore, keeping the civil war going, and keeping the interests of Assad regime alive I also helping Iran to breathe a sigh of relief of losing a potential ally in the region and refrain from the extreme hostility of its enemies.

Recent impact of Syrian war on international front - American stand-point till now

It seems that the administration of the United States under the presidentship of Barack Obama is gearing up for initiating military strike directly upon key sites of Syrian military. The strategy is said to have been a direct result of the recent attack by chemical weapon by the regime of Assad. However, political experts are of the opinion that the attack by the United States upon Syria (if it happens to be) might deter them of any utilization of chemical warfare in the future. On the other hand, experts also believe that the result would have least significance for the administration to cease war in the region.

The administration under the Obama Government has maintained that they are determined to launch a furious attack on the present hegemony of Syrian troops who had certainly crossed their limits by violating the rules of warfare that deters use of chemical weaponry during any kind of conflict.

With their decision to initiate an attack, the US administration has also maintained that they would restrict their intervention into the present conflict to teach Syrian army a lesson against the misuse of advanced and potentially dangerous weapon system developed till date. They are equally determined to stay aloof from engaging in direct warfare and intervene in the war of the region with total vested interest.

Russia stand on this civil war and recent chemical attack

When considering the international implications of this civil war, the stand point of another superpower has to be taken into account - Russia. The war has opened up a whole lot of challenges in front of the possibilities of a so-called mutual understanding between the US and Russia. Where Russia has urged the United States to come up with evidences of alleged use of weapons of mass destruction in the recent attack in the heart of Syria, at the United Nations forum. This has really come as a bolt to Washington's plan on initiating a deliberate military attack on Assad's regime and has forced them to check out on their calculative steps to oust the dictatorial rule in the region.