Emerging Political Force

Young Voters: An Emerging Political Force

In an age of razor-thin elections, young voters can make or break a close race. After decades of low turnout, today’s young voters have shown that they are paying attention and increasingly likely to register and vote. Whether providing a winning base for Kwame Kilpatrick in Detroit 2005 or a surge of support for Arnold Schwarzenegger in California 2003, the 42 million and growing 18-29 year old Americans are an electorate to watch in 2006 and beyond.

Young Voter Strategies is perfectly positioned to help you cover this huge, growing, and increasingly active electorate. As the clearinghouse of the young voter movement, we have the latest young voter polling, up-to-the-minute details about voter registration activities nationwide, and insight into the political world’s young voter outreach strategies.

Polling on Young Voters

As campaigns and organizations gear up to target young people, Young Voter Strategies will be compiling the most recent survey research and polling on how this demogrphic is thinking about politics and the upcoming elections. We commision our own Young Voter Battleground Poll, regularly get and analyse data on the youth from the nation's top polls, and compile polling on subsets of the youth demographic done by organizations.

An Analysis of Young Adults' Reponses to Recent Political Polls

September 14, 2006 - With the 2006 elections just weeks away, Young Voter Strategies new publication, Polling Young Voters, outlines the top issues, party identification, and political attitudes of young voters in the 2006 elections. The new report analyzes polling data from many of America's top pollsters, including The Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, Quinnipiac Polling Institute, Riehle-Tarrance Strategies, and Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research.

This analysis of young voters’ political attitudes sheds light on what young voters are thinking and how they may vote as the 2006 elections near.